COVID19 15 MAY 2020
COCKS LLOYD SOLICITORS Risk assessment on Managing the Return to Work

During this pandemic, we have undertaken regular risk assessments and shared these with our staff.
This latest risk assessment has been conducted following the Government’s recent announcements and is produced in line with Government Strategy.
It is based on the assumption of a gradual return to work as and when the lockdown restrictions start to be reduced and are ultimately lifted, in line with the increased operation of the justice system.

The Government’s instruction now remains that “everyone should work from home, unless they cannot work from home”, and we continue to encourage working from home if at all possible.

This assessment is produced in addition to our standard Health and Safety measures that remain in force.

These measures are imposed to protect our colleagues, clients and ultimately the general population.

The assessment is subject to continual review.

Government Guidance

The Government has issued Our Plan to Rebuild, its COVID-19 recovery strategy, and Working safely during COVID-19 in offices and contact centres and we have used these guides as the core to our assessment and implementation of procedures.

Managing thr risk

Where working from home is not possible, we continue make every reasonable effort to comply with the social distancing guidelines. Where the social distancing guidelines cannot be followed in full, we ask all staff to take all the mitigating actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission.

Risks Identified – procedures to be followed

General – we expect our team to abide by current government guidance:

• work from home if you can
• limit contact with other people
• keep your distance if you go out (2 metres apart where possible)
• wash your hands regularly
• self-isolate if you or anyone in your household has symptoms

Exit & Entry : Hand sanitiser is be made available for use at our entrance into the office from reception.
It is not possible to establish separate entry and exit points within the office, therefore we need to use common sense when moving around the building only leaving your work station for essential reasons. Please use office doorways as “passing places”, and keep to the left.
Please ensure social distancing is maintained at all times especially when entering and leaving the building where there is limited space.
Start / Exit times are subject to review and may change in the event of more staff returning to work into the office.

Social Distancing : We will ensure all work stations are two metres apart, and where necessary we will move desks to sit side by side or back to back rather than face to face, the usual seating arrangements for individual members of staff may have to be changed.
No work stations are to be shared.
Staff must not gather in any area of the building to socialise.
The library and reception are the only areas to see clients as they both allow for adequate distancing but this is in exceptional circumstances. Chairs are available in reception to take outside to facilitate signing and witnessing of documents for clients.
If possible, collect printing copying in batches rather than individually to reduce the “high-touch” risk and prevent the grouping of people around printers.
Only one person to occupy the kitchen and toilets.
A protective screen for reception has been sourced for when we reopen our reception area to the public, with a gap to permit the passing of any essential documents; a line beyond which visitors should not approach the reception desk has been marked. At this time the front door remains closed, this will be reviewed in line with Government advice.

Personal Protection : Hand washing and sanitising to be encouraged. Signs will be on display to reinforce this message.
We maintain a supply of gloves, masks, and cleaning equipment for use by our staff. Bacterial wipes are available for the sanitising of workstations.
Pens are not to be shared.

Payments : Our preferred method of payment is direct transfer to our bank account.
Cheques may be received by post.
Card payments can be taken by telephone.
Cash is not being accepted at this time.

Data Protection : Physical and electronic security of personnel, data, equipment and premises, and commercial confidentiality remain as important as ever and the threat of compromise through error or malicious attack often increases in crisis situations. Such threats must therefore be considered at all times.

Communication & Training : We will communicate regularly and ensure all staff are aware of rules and procedures to be followed.

